We put a lot of thought into our snack machine selections. We have all the major brands from all the top companies as well as a selection of local popular products. We also encourage your staff to suggest items they might like in the machines.
Among our offerings you will find healthy choices as well as the more traditional brands. Because our customers have diverse snack tastes, our snack vending machines are filled with options such as, but not limited to Doritos Chips, Snyder's Pretzels, and Famous Amos cookies.
Our more healthy choices include Nature Valley Bars, Smart Food Popcorn, Lays Baked! Chips, Trail Mixes and Peanuts.
Our popular candy selection includes Snickers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey, Starburst, Skittles, and M&M Peanuts. For snacking favorites, let American Vending be your choice!
Satisfaction begins and ends with American Vending. Call today for your free, no obligation consultation – (302) 674-2222 or
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Delaware's Full Service Vending Soda & Snack